統計モデリング概論 DSHC 2023

岩嵜 航 (Watal M. Iwasaki, PhD)
東北大学 生命科学研究科 進化ゲノミクス分野 特任助教
(Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University)
  1. 導入
  2. 直線回帰、確率分布、擬似乱数生成
  3. 尤度、最尤推定
  4. 一般化線形モデル(GLM)
  5. 個体差、一般化線形混合モデル(GLMM)
  6. ベイズの定理、事後分布、MCMC
  7. StanでGLM
  8. 階層ベイズモデル(HBM)
2023-08-30 東京海上 Data Science Hill Climb

🔰 とりあえずStanを動かしてみよう

This is cmdstanr version 0.5.3
- CmdStanR documentation and vignettes: mc-stan.org/cmdstanr
- CmdStan path: /Users/watal/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.32.2
- CmdStan version: 2.32.2
This is bayesplot version 1.10.0


  1. データ準備
  2. Stan言語でモデルを書く
  3. モデルをコンパイルして機械語に翻訳 → 実行ファイル
  4. 実行ファイルにデータを渡してMCMCサンプリング
  5. 結果を見る

🔰 6-bayesian.ipynb を開き、スライド説明に沿って実行しよう。

説明変数なしのベイズ推定: データ準備

表が出る確率 $p=0.7$ のイカサマコインをN回投げたデータを作る。
この $p$ をStanで推定してみよう。

true_p = 0.7
N = 40L
coin_data = list(N = N, x = rbinom(N, 1, true_p))
[1] 40

 [1] 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1


説明変数なしのベイズ推定: Stan言語でモデル定義

別ファイルに書いておく。 e.g., coin.stan:

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  array[N] int x;
parameters {
  real<lower=0,upper=1> p;
model {
  x ~ binomial(1, p);



  1. functions {...}
  2. data {...}
  3. transformed data {...}
  4. parameters {...}
  5. transformed parameters {...}
  6. model {...}
  7. generated quantities {...}


説明変数なしのベイズ推定: MCMCサンプル


model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/coin.stan")


fit = model$sample(coin_data, seed = 24601L)

chains, inits, iter_warmup, iter_samples, thin, …


説明変数なしのベイズ推定: 結果を眺める

parameters ブロックに書いた変数の情報が出てくる。

 variable   mean median   sd  mad     q5    q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
     lp__ -25.62 -25.35 0.70 0.30 -27.00 -25.13 1.00     1949     2646
     p      0.72   0.72 0.07 0.07   0.60   0.82 1.00     1586     2132

真の値に近い $p \approx 0.7$ が得られた (0.6 から 0.82 である確率が90%)。
$\hat R$ もほぼ1で $N_\text{eff}$ も大きいのでよさそう。

lp__ はlog posterior(対数事後確率)。後述。

念のため trace plot も確認しておこう→

説明変数なしのベイズ推定: trace plot 確認


draws = fit$draws()
params = names(model$variables()$parameters)
bayesplot::mcmc_trace(draws, pars = params)

plot of chunk stan-binom-traceplot

説明変数なしのベイズ推定: 自己相関の確認


bayesplot::mcmc_acf_bar(draws, pars = params)

plot of chunk stan-binom-ac

説明変数なしのベイズ推定: 推定結果確認


bayesplot::mcmc_hist(draws, bins = 20, pars = params)

plot of chunk stan-binom-hist

lp__: log posterior とは?

model ブロックに次のように書いてあると:

model {
  mu ~ normal(0.0, 10.0);  // prior
  x ~ normal(mu, 1.0);     // likelihood


target += normal_lpdf(theta | 0.0, 10.0)  // prior
target += normal_lpdf(x | theta, 1.0);    // likelihood

lp__ はこの target 変数を記録しておいたようなもの。


別ファイルに書いておく。 e.g., coin.stan:

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  array[N] int x;
parameters {
  real<lower=0,upper=1> p;
model {
  x ~ binomial(1, p);


coin_data = tibble::lst(N = 50L, x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.7))
coin_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/binom.stan")
coin_fit = coin_model$sample(coin_data, seed = 24601L)



data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector<lower=0>[N] x;
  vector[N] y;

parameters {
  real intercept;
  real slope;
  real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
  y ~ normal(intercept + slope * x, sigma);

Rと同様、 slope * x のようなベクトル演算ができる。


samplesize = 50L
df_lm = tibble::tibble(
  x = rnorm(samplesize, 1.70, 0.05),
  bmi = rnorm(samplesize, 22, 1),
  y = bmi * (x**2)
plot of chunk weight-lm


# リストに入れて渡す:
lm_data = as.list(df_lm)
lm_data[["N"]] = samplesize
# モデルを実行速度の速い機械語に翻訳(コンパイル):
lm_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/lm.stan")
# モデルとデータを使ってMCMCサンプリング:
lm_fit = lm_model$sample(lm_data, seed = 19937L, refresh = 0)
  variable   mean median    sd   mad     q5    q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
 lp__      -79.48 -79.13  1.32  1.05 -82.07 -78.07 1.00     1061     1374
 intercept -69.32 -69.43 14.36 13.92 -92.96 -45.80 1.00      821      935
 slope      78.32  78.36  8.44  8.22  64.44  92.14 1.00      818      950
 sigma       3.11   3.07  0.33  0.30   2.62   3.71 1.00     1254     1214

切片と傾きはそれらしき値。 $\hat R$ や $N_{eff}$ も良さそう。 もう少し確認しよう。



satisfactory とか no problems ばかりであることを確認

Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.

No divergent transitions found.

E-BFMI satisfactory.

Effective sample size satisfactory.

Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.

Processing complete, no problems detected.

draws: 生のMCMCサンプル

lm_draws_array = lm_fit$draws()
[1] 1000    4    4
# A draws_array: 1000 iterations, 4 chains, and 4 variables
, , variable = lp__

iteration   1   2   3   4
        1 -81 -79 -81 -78
        2 -80 -79 -80 -79
        3 -79 -79 -80 -79
        4 -79 -79 -78 -79
        5 -79 -78 -78 -79

, , variable = intercept

iteration   1   2   3   4
        1 -72 -87 -59 -73
        2 -64 -87 -59 -60
        3 -64 -88 -60 -63
        4 -66 -87 -66 -65
        5 -65 -72 -66 -64

, , variable = slope

iteration  1  2  3  4
        1 80 89 73 81
        2 76 89 72 73
        3 76 89 73 75
        4 76 89 76 76
        5 76 80 76 75

, , variable = sigma

iteration   1   2   3   4
        1 3.5 3.2 3.7 2.8
        2 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.0
        3 3.2 3.0 3.6 2.9
        4 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.1
        5 3.2 2.8 2.9 3.4

# ... with 995 more iterations

draws: data.frameのほうが見やすいかも

lm_draws = lm_fit$draws(format = "df") |> print()
# A draws_df: 1000 iterations, 4 chains, and 4 variables
   lp__ intercept slope sigma
1   -81       -72    80   3.5
2   -80       -64    76   3.2
3   -79       -64    76   3.2
4   -79       -66    76   3.0
5   -79       -65    76   3.2
6   -78       -65    76   3.2
7   -78       -73    80   2.8
8   -78       -76    82   3.0
9   -79       -72    80   3.3
10  -79       -89    90   2.9
# ... with 3990 more draws
# ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}


[1] "/var/folders/**/***/T/Rtmp******/*-2023****-1-******.csv"
[2] "/var/folders/**/***/T/Rtmp******/*-2023****-2-******.csv"
[3] "/var/folders/**/***/T/Rtmp******/*-2023****-3-******.csv"
[4] "/var/folders/**/***/T/Rtmp******/*-2023****-4-******.csv"

traceplot: サンプル順に draws を並べたもの

どの chain も同じところをうろうろしていればOK。

params = names(lm_model$variables()$parameters)
bayesplot::mcmc_trace(lm_draws, pars = params, facet_args = list(ncol = 1))

plot of chunk stan-lm-traceplot


bayesplot::mcmc_hist(lm_draws, pars = params, bins = 30)

plot of chunk stan-lm-hist

Posterior Predictive Checking (PPC)

サイズ $S$ のパラメータdrawsと $N$ 個の観察値から $S \times N$ 行列の $y_{rep}$ を生成:

mu_rep = lm_draws$intercept + lm_draws$slope %o% df_lm$x
yrep = mu_rep + rnorm(prod(dim(mu_rep)), 0, lm_draws$sigma)
bayesplot::ppc_intervals(y = df_lm[["y"]], yrep = yrep,
  x = df_lm[["x"]], prob = 0.5, prob_outer = 0.9)

plot of chunk stan-lm-ppcplot of chunk stan-lm-ppc




model {
  vector[N] mu = intercept + slope * x;
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

transformed parameters ブロックに書くとさらに見通しがよくなる:

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] mu = intercept + slope * x;

model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);



lmtr_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/lm-transformed.stan")
lmtr_fit = lmtr_model$sample(lm_data, seed = 19937L, refresh = 0)
lmtr_draws = lmtr_fit$draws(format = "df") |> print()
# A draws_df: 1000 iterations, 4 chains, and 54 variables
   lp__ intercept slope sigma mu[1] mu[2] mu[3] mu[4] mu[5] mu[6] mu[7] mu[8] mu[9] mu[10] mu[11] mu[12] mu[13] mu[14] mu[15] mu[16] mu[17] mu[18] mu[19] mu[20] mu[21] mu[22] mu[23] mu[24] mu[25] mu[26] mu[27] mu[28] mu[29] mu[30] mu[31] mu[32] mu[33] mu[34] mu[35] mu[36] mu[37] mu[38] mu[39] mu[40] mu[41] mu[42] mu[43] mu[44] mu[45] mu[46] mu[47] mu[48] mu[49] mu[50]
1 -80.8     -72.5  79.6  3.49  64.3  69.5  56.3  61.2  64.2  57.3  69.6  60.8  57.9   63.3   67.2   61.7   60.5   64.2   62.1   61.9   66.5   60.5   56.5   55.2   60.7   63.2   64.3   65.8   63.3   60.9   63.0   58.1   70.8   63.1   72.1   66.9   64.0   63.3   68.2   66.4   54.6   65.1   68.8   52.9   64.0   66.9   59.9   61.2   59.3   63.6   67.9   66.4   65.3   61.0
2 -80.0     -64.0  75.7  3.24  66.1  71.0  58.4  63.0  65.9  59.3  71.1  62.7  59.9   65.1   68.8   63.5   62.4   65.9   63.9   63.7   68.1   62.4   58.6   57.4   62.6   65.0   66.0   67.5   65.0   62.8   64.8   60.1   72.2   64.9   73.4   68.5   65.7   65.0   69.7   68.0   56.8   66.7   70.3   55.1   65.7   68.5   61.8   63.1   61.3   65.3   69.5   68.0   67.0   62.9
3 -79.3     -64.1  75.6  3.24  65.8  70.7  58.2  62.8  65.7  59.1  70.9  62.5  59.7   64.9   68.6   63.3   62.2   65.7   63.7   63.5   67.9   62.2   58.4   57.2   62.4   64.8   65.8   67.3   64.8   62.6   64.6   59.9   72.0   64.7   73.2   68.3   65.5   64.8   69.5   67.8   56.6   66.5   70.1   54.9   65.5   68.3   61.6   62.9   61.1   65.1   69.2   67.8   66.8   62.7
4 -78.8     -66.3  76.2  2.99  64.6  69.6  57.0  61.6  64.5  57.9  69.7  61.3  58.5   63.7   67.4   62.1   61.0   64.5   62.5   62.3   66.7   61.0   57.1   55.9   61.2   63.6   64.6   66.1   63.6   61.4   63.4   58.7   70.9   63.5   72.1   67.2   64.3   63.6   68.3   66.6   55.3   65.3   68.9   53.7   64.3   67.1   60.4   61.6   59.9   63.9   68.1   66.6   65.6   61.5
5 -79.3     -65.1  76.3  3.21  65.9  70.8  58.2  62.9  65.7  59.1  71.0  62.5  59.7   64.9   68.7   63.4   62.2   65.8   63.7   63.6   68.0   62.3   58.4   57.2   62.4   64.8   65.9   67.3   64.9   62.6   64.6   59.9   72.1   64.7   73.3   68.4   65.6   64.9   69.6   67.9   56.6   66.6   70.2   54.9   65.5   68.3   61.6   62.9   61.1   65.2   69.3   67.9   66.8   62.7
6 -78.2     -65.4  76.0  3.21  65.2  70.2  57.6  62.2  65.1  58.5  70.3  61.9  59.1   64.3   68.0   62.7   61.6   65.1   63.1   62.9   67.3   61.6   57.8   56.5   61.8   64.2   65.2   66.7   64.2   62.0   64.0   59.3   71.5   64.1   72.7   67.7   64.9   64.2   68.9   67.2   56.0   65.9   69.5   54.3   64.9   67.7   61.0   62.2   60.5   64.5   68.7   67.2   66.2   62.1
# ... with 3994 more draws
# ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

この右側の mu 行列はさっき苦労して作った mu_rep と同じ。

ひょっとして yrep もStanで作れる?

generated quantities ブロックで乱数生成

(dataparameters のブロックは同じなので省略)

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] mu = intercept + slope * x;

model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

generated quantities {
  array[N] real yrep = normal_rng(mu, sigma);

normal_rng() のような乱数生成が使えるのは
generated quantities ブロックだけ。

(yrepvector[N] 型で作ろうとすると怒られる。)


lmgen_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/lm-generated.stan")
lmgen_fit = lmgen_model$sample(lm_data, seed = 19937L, refresh = 0)
lmgen_draws = lmgen_fit$draws(format = "df") |> print()
# A draws_df: 1000 iterations, 4 chains, and 104 variables
   lp__ intercept slope sigma mu[1] mu[2] mu[3] mu[4] mu[5] mu[6] mu[7] mu[8] mu[9] mu[10] mu[11] mu[12] mu[13] mu[14] mu[15] mu[16] mu[17] mu[18] mu[19] mu[20] mu[21] mu[22] mu[23] mu[24] mu[25] mu[26] mu[27] mu[28] mu[29] mu[30] mu[31] mu[32] mu[33] mu[34] mu[35] mu[36] mu[37] mu[38] mu[39] mu[40] mu[41] mu[42] mu[43] mu[44] mu[45] mu[46] mu[47] mu[48] mu[49] mu[50] yrep[1] yrep[2] yrep[3] yrep[4] yrep[5] yrep[6] yrep[7] yrep[8] yrep[9] yrep[10] yrep[11] yrep[12] yrep[13] yrep[14] yrep[15] yrep[16] yrep[17] yrep[18] yrep[19] yrep[20] yrep[21] yrep[22] yrep[23] yrep[24] yrep[25] yrep[26] yrep[27] yrep[28] yrep[29] yrep[30] yrep[31] yrep[32] yrep[33] yrep[34] yrep[35] yrep[36] yrep[37] yrep[38] yrep[39] yrep[40] yrep[41] yrep[42] yrep[43] yrep[44] yrep[45] yrep[46] yrep[47] yrep[48] yrep[49] yrep[50]
1 -80.8     -72.5  79.6  3.49  64.3  69.5  56.3  61.2  64.2  57.3  69.6  60.8  57.9   63.3   67.2   61.7   60.5   64.2   62.1   61.9   66.5   60.5   56.5   55.2   60.7   63.2   64.3   65.8   63.3   60.9   63.0   58.1   70.8   63.1   72.1   66.9   64.0   63.3   68.2   66.4   54.6   65.1   68.8   52.9   64.0   66.9   59.9   61.2   59.3   63.6   67.9   66.4   65.3   61.0    64.0    73.2    58.0    63.3    65.4    56.0    68.2    63.1    56.1     58.7     67.3     56.5     65.9     64.5     59.4     63.1     67.0     59.5     57.1     56.3     57.5     60.5     62.8     66.1     70.5     61.9     65.7     57.5     70.3     59.6     72.9     73.1     59.5     68.9     62.6     63.2     52.1     60.0     64.0     55.2     56.4     66.7     62.8     63.1     58.7     66.0     67.8     68.5     64.3     61.6
2 -81.2     -95.4  94.1  3.23  66.2  72.4  56.8  62.5  66.0  57.9  72.5  62.1  58.6   65.1   69.7   63.1   61.7   66.1   63.6   63.4   68.8   61.8   57.0   55.5   62.0   65.0   66.2   68.0   65.0   62.2   64.7   58.9   74.0   64.8   75.4   69.3   65.8   65.0   70.8   68.7   54.8   67.1   71.5   52.7   65.8   69.3   61.0   62.5   60.3   65.4   70.5   68.7   67.4   62.3    64.6    70.6    52.3    63.0    60.1    58.9    77.3    58.1    55.7     64.1     72.4     67.6     61.4     62.2     62.3     63.6     69.4     60.2     57.7     55.3     63.0     63.6     68.4     68.7     65.0     63.9     70.8     53.5     69.4     60.0     79.2     63.8     64.4     72.0     71.7     70.6     57.5     70.8     70.1     55.5     65.8     67.8     65.6     63.6     61.1     66.4     66.7     71.3     65.8     63.5
3 -80.5     -93.6  92.2  3.24  64.8  70.8  55.5  61.1  64.6  56.6  70.9  60.7  57.3   63.7   68.2   61.7   60.3   64.6   62.2   62.0   67.3   60.4   55.7   54.3   60.6   63.5   64.8   66.5   63.6   60.8   63.3   57.6   72.4   63.4   73.8   67.8   64.4   63.6   69.3   67.2   53.5   65.6   70.0   51.5   64.4   67.8   59.7   61.2   59.0   63.9   68.9   67.2   66.0   61.0    66.6    72.3    48.3    57.8    72.4    51.0    72.3    57.7    57.7     64.9     68.3     60.7     64.0     60.8     63.0     60.6     67.3     60.1     56.4     53.2     58.5     64.1     65.2     67.1     64.3     60.6     63.9     52.9     71.7     64.1     76.4     63.4     68.8     68.0     69.9     69.2     51.9     57.6     74.3     49.6     66.8     65.9     60.3     58.7     52.2     58.8     71.7     63.1     62.8     62.6
4 -79.7     -93.0  92.1  3.23  65.1  71.1  55.8  61.4  64.9  56.9  71.2  61.0  57.7   64.0   68.4   62.0   60.6   64.9   62.5   62.3   67.6   60.7   56.0   54.6   60.9   63.8   65.1   66.8   63.9   61.1   63.6   57.9   72.6   63.7   74.1   68.1   64.7   63.9   69.6   67.5   53.9   65.9   70.3   51.8   64.7   68.0   60.0   61.5   59.3   64.2   69.2   67.5   66.2   61.3    66.3    70.1    56.1    63.2    63.0    53.1    74.9    59.2    51.1     64.3     65.6     57.6     59.0     70.0     66.9     68.2     68.0     60.6     52.6     58.9     63.5     59.3     66.4     66.5     64.5     56.4     64.1     58.1     74.1     61.3     74.4     68.8     64.0     62.3     70.3     64.9     54.4     59.7     73.1     51.0     60.4     66.5     51.7     61.4     62.4     62.7     73.3     68.7     69.8     58.7
5 -81.6     -91.8  92.1  3.23  66.4  72.4  57.2  62.8  66.2  58.2  72.5  62.3  59.0   65.3   69.8   63.4   62.0   66.3   63.8   63.6   68.9   62.0   57.4   55.9   62.2   65.2   66.4   68.1   65.2   62.5   64.9   59.2   74.0   65.0   75.4   69.4   66.0   65.2   70.9   68.8   55.2   67.3   71.6   53.1   66.0   69.4   61.3   62.8   60.6   65.6   70.6   68.8   67.6   62.6    68.9    71.0    60.7    66.4    65.7    67.5    74.2    69.6    55.4     66.9     70.4     66.2     65.5     70.5     64.2     59.2     72.4     64.2     56.9     53.2     54.9     59.0     67.7     67.5     66.9     57.7     64.9     61.1     76.4     67.5     79.1     68.2     68.0     67.9     75.4     69.6     54.4     65.4     73.4     53.2     62.6     72.4     61.7     57.7     60.5     66.3     70.0     72.3     69.2     56.3
6 -80.4     -64.7  76.1  3.50  66.0  70.9  58.3  63.0  65.8  59.2  71.0  62.6  59.8   65.0   68.7   63.5   62.3   65.9   63.8   63.7   68.1   62.4   58.5   57.3   62.5   64.9   66.0   67.4   65.0   62.7   64.7   60.0   72.2   64.8   73.4   68.5   65.6   65.0   69.7   68.0   56.7   66.7   70.3   55.0   65.6   68.4   61.8   63.0   61.2   65.3   69.4   68.0   66.9   62.8    63.6    70.7    51.2    66.5    71.2    56.2    75.3    65.7    61.3     70.1     66.6     59.0     70.9     71.8     63.3     60.3     67.7     63.6     62.7     65.7     60.5     63.9     62.0     65.4     62.8     62.0     67.4     55.2     72.7     63.8     70.8     66.7     65.3     63.7     72.3     69.7     59.8     65.0     77.1     58.9     68.7     70.4     63.3     63.3     59.2     65.7     72.1     63.9     64.7     62.3
# ... with 3994 more draws
# ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

yrep = lmgen_fit$draws("yrep", format = "matrix") を取り出したらあとは bayesplot::ppc_*() に渡すだけ。


観察値の外側とか、均等間隔とか x_tilde を好きに作って渡せる。

data {
  // ...
  int<lower=0> N_tilde
  vector[N_tilde] x_tilde;
// ...
generated quantities {
  array[N_tilde] real y_tilde = normal_rng(intercept + slope * x_tilde, sigma);

変数の型: vector vs array

vector, row_vector, matrix は実数 real のみで、行列演算できる:

real x;
vector[3] v;
row_vector[3] r;
matrix[3, 3] m;

x * v  // vector[3]
r * v  // real
v * r  // matrix[3, 3]
m * v  // vector[3]
m * m  // matrix[3, 3]
m[1]   // row_vector[3]

array に型の制約は無いが、行列演算はできないので自力forループ:

array[3] int a;
array[3] int b;
for (i in 1:3) {
  b[i] = 2 * a[i] + 1



parameters {
  real intercept;
  real slope;
  real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
  y ~ normal(intercept + slope * x, sigma);
  intercept ~ normal(0, 100);
  slope ~ normal(0, 100);
  sigma ~ student_t(3, 0, 10);



  1. とりあえず無情報事前分布 $[-\infty, \infty]$。Stanのデフォルト。

  2. 収束が悪かったら弱情報事前分布を試す。

    • 取りうる値を逃すような狭すぎる分布はダメ。
    • 狭すぎるよりはマシだが、広すぎても良くない。
    • 一様分布 $[a, b]$ は一見無情報っぽくて良さそうだが、

    おすすめ: 正規分布 or Student’s t分布


Stanおすすめ弱情報事前分布: Student’s t分布

Student’s $t(\nu=\nu_0, \mu = 0, \sigma = \sigma_0)$

  • 自由度 $3 \le \nu_0 \le 7 $ で適当に固定。
    • $\nu = 1$ でコーシー分布。裾野が広すぎて良くないらしい。
    • $\nu \to \infty$ で正規分布。だいたいこれでいいらしい。
  • スケール $\sigma$: 「推定したい値は$[-\sigma_0, \sigma_0]$に収まるだろう」という値。

plot of chunk studentt

🔰 Stanで一般化線形モデル

🔰 7-stan.ipynb を開いて実行していこう。

  • 直線回帰

  • ポアソン回帰

  • ロジスティック回帰

  • 重回帰

  • 分散分析

  • 共分散分析

plot of chunk lm-bad plot of chunk glm-poisson plot of chunk glm-logistic plot of chunk multiple-regression plot of chunk glm-anova plot of chunk glm-ancova

🔰 Stanでpenguinsの回帰分析をしてみよう

plot of chunk penguins-interaction


🔰 Stanでpenguinsの回帰分析をしてみよう


Stan does not support NA と怒られるので欠損値を取り除いておく:

penguins = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("penguins", "palmerpenguins", True).data
penguins_dropna = penguins.dropna()


8. 階層ベイズモデル(HBM)