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tumopp() returns full results with config columns in a data.frame. See tumopp("-h") or for the list of command options.


tumopp(args, ...)

# Default S3 method
  args = character(0L),
  graph = getOption("tumopp.graph", TRUE),
  cache = NULL

# S3 method for class 'list'
tumopp(args, ..., graph = TRUE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L))

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
tumopp(args, ..., graph = TRUE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L))

make_args(alt, const = NULL, times = 1L, each = 1L)



command line arguments as a string vector or list of strings.


not used.


add graph column if TRUE


A parent directory to cache results. TRUE is equivalent to getOption("tumopp.cache", "~/.cache/tumopp"). tempdir() is used in other cases including the default (NULL), which is discarded at the end of an R session. Set FALSE to force tumopp to run and overwrite previous results if any.


The number of cores to use for concurrent execution.


named list of altered arguments.


named list of constant arguments.

times, each

passed to rep()


A population data.frame includes ancestral cells. Extant cells can be extracted by filtering with death == 0 or filter_extant() function. The sampling time, i.e., the end of a simulation, is typically the maximum value of birth time.

The default unit of time (birth and death columns) is the average cell cycle of newborn cells (given the parameter -b/--beta0 is set to 1). For example, step-wise tumor growth and integer values in the birth column will be observed if -k/--shape parameter is set to a very large value like 10**6. If you are considering some cell line whose average cell cycle is 4 days for example, then the unit of those columns can be interpreted as 4 days, or you can set --beta0=0.25 to change the unit to a day.

The omega column denotes the number of cell divisions allowed for each cell. Negative values denote unlimited proliferation potential.

make_args() returns argument combinations in a tibble.