Evolutionary Diversification in Anolis Lizards
Bug List
Member edal::Individual::calc_DI_analytical () const
not applicable in the parameter range where \(\Xi\) goes negative with high \(h_0\) and \(h_1\).

\[ D_I = \frac {12 - 6 h_0 (1 + 2 (-1 + y_0) y_0) + h_1 (-1 + 4 (1 - 3 y_1) y_1) - \alpha (-24 + h_1 + 6 h_0 (1 - 2 y_0)^2 - 8 h_1 y_1 + 24 h_1 y_1^2) } {12 + 24 \alpha} \]

Member edal::Individual::calc_Dxi_analytical () const
not applicable in the parameter range where \(\xi\) goes negative with high \(h_0\) and \(h_1\).

\[ \frac{1} 2 -h_0 (\frac{y_0^2} 2 + \frac{y_0} 3 - \frac{1} {12}) -h_1 (\frac{y_1^2} 2 + \frac{y_1} 3 - \frac{1} {12}) \]