
List of commandline options. Tables are at the bottom of the page. More...


clipp::group pbf::program_options (Parameters &params)
 Global options for simulation.
clipp::group pbf::reproduction_options (Parameters &params)
 Options for Population::reproduce.
clipp::group pbf::sampling_options (Parameters &params)
 Options for Population::sample.

Configurable only via JSON

using pbf::Parameters::RowMatrix = std::vector<std::vector<double>>
 Alias for readability.
std::vector< double > pbf::Parameters::natural_mortality {}
 Array of \(M\) for quarter age: instantaneous mortality due to natural causes.
std::vector< double > pbf::Parameters::fishing_mortality {}
 Array of \(F\) for quarter age: instantaneous mortality due to fishing activities.
std::vector< double > pbf::Parameters::fishing_coef {}
 Array of \(e\) by year: coefficient of fishing mortality. The last element is used for the last years if its length differs from years.
std::vector< double > pbf::Parameters::weight_for_age {}
 Weight in kg for quarter age.
std::vector< RowMatrixpbf::Parameters::migration_matrices {}
 Transition matrix for Population::migrate()


int32_t pbf::Parameters::seed {0}
 RNG seed; 32-bit signed integer for R.
std::string pbf::Parameters::outdir {}
 Output directory.
int pbf::Parameters::years {80}
 Duration of simulation.
size_t pbf::Parameters::origin {0u}
 Initial number of juveniles at location 0 in season 0 in year 0. It falls back to \(\operatorname{med}(R)\) or \(K\) if 0.


double pbf::Parameters::med_recruitment {0.0}
 \(\operatorname{med}(R) = \exp(\mu_{R})\) for lognormal distribution
double pbf::Parameters::sigma_recruitment {1.0}
 \(\sigma_{R}\) for lognormal distribution
double pbf::Parameters::carrying_capacity {2e3}
 \(K\): carrying capacity used in Population::reproduce()
double pbf::Parameters::recruitment {2.0}
 \(r\): coefficient used in Population::reproduce()
double pbf::Parameters::overdispersion {-1.0}
 \(k \in (0, \infty)\) for overdispersion in Population::reproduce(). Equivalent to Poisson when \(k \to \infty\) (or \(k<0\) for convience).


int pbf::Parameters::last {3}
 Sample last _ years.
std::vector< size_t > pbf::Parameters::sample_size_adult {10u, 10u}
 per location
std::vector< size_t > pbf::Parameters::sample_size_juvenile {10u, 10u}
 per location

Detailed Description

List of commandline options. Tables are at the bottom of the page.

The longer ones can be used as keys in JSON config file, e.g., {"years": 80} for -y,--years option.

Function Documentation

◆ program_options()

clipp::group pbf::program_options ( Parameters & params)

Global options for simulation.

Command line option Variable
--seed Parameters::seed
-i,--infile -
-o,--outdir Parameters::outdir
-y,--years Parameters::years
-O,--origin Parameters::origin

◆ reproduction_options()

clipp::group pbf::reproduction_options ( Parameters & params)

Options for Population::reproduce.

Command line option Symbol Variable
-R,--med_recruitment \(\operatorname{med}(R)\) Parameters::med_recruitment
-S,--sigma_recruitment \(\sigma_{R}\) Parameters::sigma_recruitment
-K,--carrying_capacity \(K\) Parameters::carrying_capacity
-k,--overdispersion \(k\) Parameters::overdispersion
-r,--recruitment \(r\) Parameters::recruitment

◆ sampling_options()

clipp::group pbf::sampling_options ( Parameters & params)

Options for Population::sample.

Command line option Variable
-l,--last Parameters::last
--sa,--sample_size_adult Parameters::sample_size_adult
--sj,--sample_size_juvenile Parameters::sample_size_juvenile