This is the complete list of members for pbf::Individual, including all inherited members.
age(const int_fast32_t year) const noexcept | pbf::Individual | inline |
birth_year_ | pbf::Individual | private |
father_ | pbf::Individual | private |
Individual()=default | pbf::Individual | |
Individual(std::shared_ptr< Individual > father, std::shared_ptr< Individual > mother, int_fast32_t year) noexcept | pbf::Individual | inline |
Individual(const Individual &)=delete (defined in pbf::Individual) | pbf::Individual | |
Individual(Individual &&)=delete (defined in pbf::Individual) | pbf::Individual | |
mother_ | pbf::Individual | private |
operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const Individual &x) | pbf::Individual | friend |
trace_back(std::ostream &ost, std::unordered_map< const Individual *, uint_fast32_t > &ids, uint_fast32_t loc, int_fast32_t year) const | pbf::Individual | |
write(std::ostream &) const | pbf::Individual | |
write(std::ostream &, const std::unordered_map< const Individual *, uint_fast32_t > &) const | pbf::Individual | |
write_names(std::ostream &) | pbf::Individual | static |
write_trace_back_header(std::ostream &) | pbf::Individual | static |
~Individual()=default (defined in pbf::Individual) | pbf::Individual |